from confusion to
self discovery

Embracing confusion can open ourselves up to new possibilities

Feeling ‘stuck’ or confused is not a weakness or something to be avoided. When we reposition confusion and embrace it as the gift that it is, we can open ourselves up to new possibilities. Not all obstacles and set backs are negative - they may simply be nudges that can put us on a more constructive path towards something more authentic and meaningful.

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Our Mission

Our mission is to create a safe environment to help those who are stuck, confused or bewildered to navigate through key life transitions by building a strong sense of self-efficacy through self exploration, experimentation and action to find their voice and become the best version of themselves.


Our Approach

We take a person centred, experiential approach that provokes thought , promotes conversations and inspires action. It is unique to each individual and includes a combination of readings, interactive workshops, conversations, coaching , mentoring and experimentation - progressively, converting knowledge to knowing.
Self Discovery and Transformation ensues.



Chelvi has hands on experience in navigating both the commercial and the personal. He explores the two ideas of accountability for results and self discovery as he guides individuals to find their path to personal fulfilment whilst delivering outcomes.

In recent years this interest morphed into an overwhelming desire to help Executives and Entrepreneurs achieve success both professionally and personally.  

Chelvi, an experienced change agent, business leader , spiritual seeker ,advisor and coach has been on his own journey of self discovery for more than 30 years.


Do You Understand the Problem You are Trying to Solve?

Have you felt stuck and confused in your personal and/or professional lives and have at times found yourself in any one of the following situations:

  • A major crisis has rocked the foundation of your beliefs and values and you are no longer as sure as you once were?

  • Working harder and feeling less satisfied?

  • Unhappy in your work but can’t decide what your next step should be?

  • Stopped learning and growing? Gone as far as you can and you’re at a dead end?

  • Feel inundated? Perhaps you don’t feel supported or helped?

  • Angrier than you used to be? Get annoyed or irritated at the drop of a hat?

Have you ever considered that these questions may be pointing you to reflect on your unexplored beliefs? an opportunity to create the next inflexion point in your life?

We provide a suite of resources that includes articles, interactive workshop, content and executive coaching services to help you explore , experiment , reflect and create your own unique pathway.